Medicinal Cannabis For Insomnia

Medicinal Cannabis For Insomnia

Cannabis is fast becoming an effective medical alternative for people suffering from insomnia. Insomnia refers to the inability to sleep or sleep peacefully for extended periods. It is quite commonplace for adults to suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives. In fact, according to a recent study about 30%–50% of Americans have suffered from some kind of sleeplessness while another 10% have experienced chronic insomnia (these people struggle with sleeplessness for the duration of three weeks or more.)

Medicinal Cannabis For InsomniaInsomnia can affect just about anyone, but women are more prone to struggle with this condition than their counterparts. Stress is one of the major underlying causes of what is considered temporary sleeplessness and if this is left untreated then it can become severe insomnia. Severe  insomnia usually comes about after an individual experiences some type of illness or medical condition. Some of which may include chronic pain, severe tiredness , stomach problems, serious mental conditions  and depression. In order to treat insomnia one has to find the underlying cause but it does not normally require medical treatment because alternative  regimes have been shown to be effective.  One alternative is type of therapy that generally includes implementing methods to improve the circadian rhythm, (sleep pattern) relaxation techniques and dietary and environmental changes.

Sometimes medical personnel prescribe drugs for insomnia but unfortunately sometimes conventional medications have adverse effects. There have been cases of individuals who have grown addicted to their medication and in extreme cases, others have died from using more than the prescribed  dosage because these drugs are not recommended for extended use.

Medicinal Cannabis For InsomniaIn light of this, medical cannabis has been hailed a viable alternative in the treatment of insomnia. Interestingly,many patients have confirmed that medical cannabis is more effective than prescription drugs, it is not addictive and no report of any deaths as a result of its  prolonged use has been reported so far. This is really worth considering if you are suffering from insomnia because it comes with the possibility of relief without an exhaustive list of side effects and that in this day and age is really soothing music to the ears.

However there are certain things to bear in mind, if you are intent on using medical cannabis. Cannabis Indica is generally known to induce sleep, while Cannabis Sativa is likely to give individuals a burst of energy (there are persons who have found both to be effective in treating insomnia.)  These testimonials have been corroborated by scientific evidence and one study has shown that medical cannabis contains more than one hundred molecules including CBD and THC which have sleep inducing components.

There are two ways in which you may use medical cannabis; firstly, you may choose to inhale it (this process provides immediate relief that may last for at least 4 hours) or you may opt to ingest it and wait for it to work within an hour after use (this usually lasts for approximately 8 or more hours.) You really should consider it since medical cannabis could be the missing link in your quest for a full night’s rest.

The Risks of Sleeping Pills

The Risks of Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills are legitimate medications for helping people with insomnia get a good night’s sleep. However, while these sleeping aids are helpful for treating insomnia some people seem to forget that there are also risks in using these types of medication. It is important for those who suffer from insomnia to know the proper use of sleeping pills in order to prevent side effects and dangers that may arise from misuse of the said medication. Before turning to sleeping pills here are some of the risks you are opening yourself to in order to better educate you about the proper use and dosage of this medication.

The Risks of Sleeping PillsThe Body Will Build Up Tolerance over Time

This is a pretty common knowledge for those who have some inkling on how medications and human bodies work. Your body will be able to build up its immunity from any drug once you have taken it for a long enough time. This means that while it may have worked perfectly for you at the beginning, a week or month or so of continuously depending on this medication will boost your body’s immunity to the drug which may force you to take higher dosages. This in turn will open you up to other risks such as overdosing from the medication which can lead to difficulty in breathing while asleep which could be fatal.


Studies have revealed that certain types of sleeping pills are strong enough that traces of the sleeping medication is still present within the body in the morning. This is a huge cause of concern especially to individuals who need to work as it can cause drowsiness and may hinder alertness and lower your reflexes. This is the reason why the FDA has required all medicine manufacturers to reduce the recommended dosage for sleeping pills. It is now advised to use sleeping medications only if you can afford at least 7 hours of sleep.

Sleepwalking and Loss of Memory

Some of the side effects that can arise from taking sleeping pills are sleepwalking and memory loss. In some cases, people who are taking sleeping pills also report some erratic behaviors. While not a widespread side effect of taking sleeping pills, it should still be noted as these can be rather dangerous and if you or anyone you know are having these side effects it is best to consult the doctor immediately.

The Risks of Sleeping PillsInstability and Vertigo

There are cases when those who are taking sleeping aids will have problems with their balance and will have a higher chance of falling down or slipping. This can also be attributed to drowsiness but at a more serious scale is the body’s own ability to sense its center of gravity is severely dulled by the drug. This can cause injuries and accidents so always follow proper dosage and drinking schedule.

Known to Cause Cancer and Death

Current medical studies have discovered a connection between the chances of developing cancer and sleeping pills. A study that was published in 2012 showed that there is indeed a connection between sleeping medications and cancer development as studies pointed out that most cancer patients used sleeping pills sometime in their life. While these results are alarming it does not guarantee that sleeping pills will cause cancer, it is just that there will be a higher chance of developing the ailment if you use sleeping medications for prolonged period. Studies have also revealed that lifestyle changes and a more positive frame of mind can be just as effective in curing insomnia as sleeping aids.

Withdrawal Syndromes

Taking sleeping pills can cause the individual to become dependent on the drug and may have a hard time of stopping their use and dependency to it. There are cases wherein several individuals experience what is called a “rebound insomnia.” Rebound Insomnia is a condition where the individual feels as if their insomnia has gotten worse after stopping medication. If you wish to stop the use of sleeping pills then consult your doctor and plan a step by step strategy that will ease you through the process. Rather than abruptly stopping sleeping pill use or going cold turkey, it is actually easier on the body if you lower the dosage until you finally get it out of your system naturally over time.

Essential Vitamins For Insomnia Prevention

Essential Vitamins to Treat Insomnia

Insomnia is a disorder wherein an individual will experience difficulty sleeping. This can lead to several health problems as lack of sleep will severely decrease your body’s immunity and will also affect you mentally as it can dull your senses and reflexes. Caffeine, stress and alcohol are the common causes for this disorder and by avoiding these and having a healthier lifestyle you can avoid developing sleep disorders. In order to further help prevent this disorder from affecting you there are vitamins that you can take as well.

Vitamin A

Essential Vitamins For Insomnia PreventionVitamin A is an essential vitamin for our body as it helps promote healthy teeth, skin, bones and mucous membrane. Studies have also shown that Vitamin A is a major factor in healthy brain functions such as sleep quality and memory. We can obtain Vitamin A by eating meat, eggs and milk to name a few. Vitamin A supplements are available in drugstores but it is important that you do not exceed the proper dosage as it can lead to some unwanted side effects.

Vitamin B12

When it comes to our body’s red blood cell production and metabolism it is Vitamin B12’s time to shine. It has been proven in studies that Vitamin B12 deficit can lead to sleep disorders, weakness and anemia.

Doctors recommend 3mg of Vitamin B12 daily will help improve sleep, mood and concentration. Vitamin B12 can be obtained by eating shellfish, eggs, meat and milk.

Vitamins C and Vitamin E

Vitamins C and Vitamin E are essential to the body as it helps boots immunity and are effective antioxidants to help flush out free radicals from inside our body. Vitamin C helps relieve a person of oxidative stress which is found in sleep apnea patients. Vitamin C and E supplements can help improve the quality of sleep a person gets and assist in balancing a healthy sleep pattern. However, it is important to keep in mind that overdosing on Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and stomachache while excessive intake of Vitamin E may be fatal. Vitamin C is naturally obtained by eating citrus fruits and leafy vegetables. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, corn and wheat.

Essential Vitamins For Insomnia PreventionVitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that helps promote growth and strengthen bones. Lack of proper Vitamin D in the body can lead to sleeping disorders. In order to prevent this from happening it is important that we include dairy products and sea foods to our diet. Our body can also produce Vitamin D from being exposed in sunlight. For those who do not have the luxury of enjoying the sun’s rays as often as they want there are Vitamin D supplements available in health and drugstores.

Keep in mind that as is the case with other vitamins, over dosing can lead to side effects such as muscle pains and kidney stones.

Insomnia can be avoided by eating healthy and proper exercise. These are the essential vitamins our body needs and it is important that are able to maintain healthy levels to not only prevent insomnia but also stop other ailments from developing.

Insomnia During Pregnancy

Insomnia Cure Guide: Pregnancy and Insomnia

Pregnancy is a delicate stage in a woman’s life as well as the child she is bearing. The third trimester is undoubtedly the most stressful as you will be checking if everything needed has been bought for your soon to be new member of the family, ensuring that your home is perfectly safe and getting yourself mentally and physically ready for delivery.

One factor that adds to a woman’s stress during pregnancy is pregnancy insomnia. Insomnia is in fact quite common with pregnant women but that does not mean we should let the pressure that lack of sleep can cause to anyone, especially to a woman in her pregnancy, let it run its course unabated.

Insomnia During PregnancyWhat Causes Insomnia with Pregnant Women?

Studies have shown that most pregnant women suffer from some sort of sleep disorder. Of course, the primary cause that is usually pointed out is hormonal imbalance. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings due to their hormones acting up but this can also have an adverse effect on their sleep.

There is also the issue of anxiety of having a baby for the first time which will no doubt be a huge factor for loss of sleep. Due to their pregnancy, women avoid sleeping pills as it might have a negative effect on their child. This is why it is vital for them to have access to natural sleep disorder remedies.

Natural Remedies and Methods for Pregnancy Insomnia

A good first step to take is by making sure that you are at ease when you lie down on the bed as this helps your mind and body register that it is time to sleep. You can also perform some relaxation techniques before bed time. A nice bubble bath will do nicely and why not include aroma therapy oil as well as it will help you calm your mind and body.

Insomnia During PregnancyIf you still find yourself unable to sleep while lying on the bed then you should get up as there is no point in forcing yourself to sleep. Why not grab a book for some light reading or just walk around the house for a couple of minutes to get your mind off the fact that you are having difficulty sleeping.

However, if you still find yourself unable to get some shut eye then why not listen to something soothing. A lot of people love the sound of white noise when sleeping, others like the sound of rain and some want to listen to audio books. It is up to you and you can easily download apps from your smart phone that enable you to listen to relaxing ambient sounds.

If you still find that you are still having some difficulty sleeping then you might want to consult your doctor to prescribe you some safe sleep disorder medications. There are several herbal remedies used to treat insomnia found in your local drug store but remember to always consult your doctor first.

It is important for pregnant women to ensure their safety as well as their child. Do not always resort to medications, especially over the counter drugs, to help treat your pregnancy insomnia. Make sure if you are going to take sleeping aid medication that they are perfectly safe for you and will have no adverse effect on your child.

Insomnia and Weight Gain

Insomnia and Weight Gain

The question: I’m concerned my insomnia may be causing my weight gain. Can this be verified? Can your diet influence the quality of your sleep?

The answer: Yes there is substantial data that points to a correlation between a lack of sleep and weight gain and this is especially true when it comes to packing on those extra pounds in the abdominal region. Research has shown that when you do not get sufficient rest your body’s metabolism slows and it secretes hormones that increases your appetite causing you to eat more.

Insomnia and Weight GainInterestingly, sleeplessness also increases cortisol which is also known as the stress hormone. If this hormone is consistently secreted then it is likely to lead to fat build up around the abdominal lining. Even though the findings indicate that insomnia can result in weight gain. This however, may not necessarily be the case, because there a myriad of factors that may also be responsible. Your calorie intake, the food you eat, the portion that you eat, when and how often you eat, all play crucial roles in determining whether or not you will witness an increase in you body mass index.Nevertheless, chances are you may however need to change your diet. First of all, you should examine how much caffeine you consume on a daily basis.

Consuming more than a few cups can leave you hyperactive as your  nervous system becomes overactive and this can lead to insomnia.

Insomnia and Weight GainIn fact even  a  few  cups of caffeinated coffee can contribute to sleeplessness because caffeine reduces the effectiveness of adenosine a sleep inducing chemical found in the brain.I would therefore recommend that you refrain from having caffeinated drinks at least eight hours before you retire. In fact, it would be in your best interest if you could eliminate caffeine from your diet. However, if this is much too great a feat for you to achieve,then reduce your daily intake to no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine.Alcohol consumption can also throw your sleep cycle out of sync and can result in  you being  up at some odd hours at nights. Eliminate alcohol for a week or two and see if this will stop your insomnia.

If you are struggling to have a good night’s rest then that late night meal could very well be the culprit. Be sure to give yourself at least a three hour window before you tuck yourself in and be mindful that a large serving,especially one that includes a lot of fat will come back to haunt you after the clock strikes midnight.

Have a protein rich breakfast and lunch since the dopamine will keep you active and mentally agile but keep away from a protein rich diet at night. Lastly, do not consume fluids within two hours of going to bed so that you will not be prematurely awakened by primal urges.If you still struggle with insomnia after following this dietary regime, then you should seek medical advice in order to pinpoint the direct cause. Good luck!