Treating Insomnia With Black Cohosh

Treating Insomnia With Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is the name of a dietary supplement that is derived from a natural herb that was originally cultivated in North America. Black Cohosh can be found  in Remifemin, a product that treats menopause. Black Cohosh has a long history and was initially used by Native Americans to treat a long list of illnesses and an exhaustive list of complications. Some of which include kidney problems, common colds and associated symptoms, constipation and lactation. Some modern day herbalists recommend it for conditions affecting the lungs, nervous and reproductive systems.


Treating Insomnia With Black CohoshInsomnia refers to the inability to sleep or sleep peacefully for extended periods. Medically, insomnia is defined as disturbances in the brain  as detected by an EEG. Since insomnia (especially chronic insomnia) is usually inextricably linked to either some kind of illness or psychiatric disorder. Insomnia can really be debilitating and is capable of negatively affecting almost every area of life.

Using Black Cohosh to Treat Sleeplessness

Black Cohosh is becoming a widespread alternative to conventional medicine in the treatment menopause and the many symptoms that come along with it, it is now being used for migraine and of course insomnia that is caused by menopause. It is interesting to witness the paradigm shift that is now taking place in the medical fraternity as the Western World appears to be more receptive towards alternative medicine.

Black Cohosh however, is especially effective in treating the symptoms brought about  by the cessation of the menstrual cycle. It has been proven to relieve hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, hormonal induced mood swings and anxiety. The interesting thing to note is that while Black cohosh is soothing and does have an impact on the mind; so far however, it has only been shown to improve or relieve insomnia that is associated with menopause. In other words this will only improve your symptoms if it has been determined that menopause is the main factor responsible for you sleeplessness.

Treating Insomnia With Black CohoshNevertheless, this is good news for women globally since menopause can in some cases have a debilitating effect on women the world over. Menopause by itself is already terrible and menopause coupled with insomnia is beyond devastating, but luckily Black Cohosh provides effective and non habit forming relief and that is something to cheer about. So get rid of your menopausal today and sleep like you have never done in ages. Got it?


While herbal supplements have been known to effectively treat sleeplessness that is triggered by menopause. It is best to speak with your physician before attempting to use this product in order to eliminate the possibility of having it interact with other drugs. Taking Black Cohosh in high doses may result in cramps, lose bowels, migraine, muscle aches, indigestion, stomach upset, an increase in body weight and fluctuations in the heart rate and women who have been diagnosed with  breast cancer are advised not to take it. However if given the green light Black Cohosh is likely to rid you of that habit forming and destructive insomnia and that by all means is a major plus.

Menopause and Insomnia

A Connection between Menopause and Insomnia

One of the most common side effects encountered when women reaches their menopausal stage is insomnia. This is an inevitable condition that all women will have to go through in their life. However, that is not to say that they just let it run its course and suffer a great deal of inconvenience from it. In fact, there are several methods women can do to help treat or at the very least, lessen the blow of menopause insomnia. Methods such as diet, proper medication and adjusting sleeping habits are just a few ways to help keep menopause insomnia at bay.

Menopause and InsomniaThere are several types of insomnia and it is important that you differentiate one from the other so that you will be able to apply the proper treatment and changes. Here are the key types of insomnia that a person can suffer from:

  • Transient Insomnia – These are the most common types of insomnia and have been experienced by 58% of adults worldwide. This usually only lasts about a week or so and is caused by stress or jet lag to name a few.
  • Acute Insomnia – This is defined when the condition persist for over a month.

Insomnia also has two levels:

  • Primary Level Insomnia – This can be attributed to reasons that range between physical, environmental or social.
  • Secondary Level Insomnia – This is categorized if reason for the insomnia is caused by a current health condition.

In all cases of insomnia, medication is commonly prescribed by a doctor to help treat the condition.

The body has an internal clock called circadian rhythm. This helps our body subconsciously normalize our waking and sleeping time to that of the day and night cycle. However, we can also disrupt our circadian rhythm unintentionally. Jet lag can distort our internal clock and night shift working hours can also lend to the disruption of our internal clock and cause insomnia. Stress and pain or discomfort can also lead to insomnia as well as lack of physical exercise, dehydration and taking stimulants.

Menopause and InsomniaMenopause Insomnia on the other hand is caused by hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Doctors can give you a prescription to help ease these hormonal imbalances. As women grow older their estrogen levels decrease. This in turn means a lower level of serotonin which is a hormone produced by the brain to regulate sleep. Lower production of serotonin means a less comfortable sleep. There are natural ways to help decrease the effects of menopause insomnia. One of these tried and true methods is by shifting to a healthy lifestyle. For example, by conducting a half hour exercise in the afternoon your muscle will feel more relaxed once evening comes. A simple change in your diet can also help. Avoiding caffeinated drinks, chocolates, cigarettes and sugar based meals at least 4 hours before sleep will help ready your body for a good night’s rest. Additional changes to your bedtime habit can also help push away insomnia. Try drinking a warm glass of milk or chamomile tea before going to bed. This can further help you relax your nerves. For best results, drink a glass of warm milk alongside a small amount of carbohydrates.

When push comes to shove and simple lifestyle changes just don’t cut it, doctors can prescribe you with medications to help you sleep. Whatever option you choose to help treat menopause insomnia, it is essential that you follow your doctor’s instruction to the letter. Menopause insomnia is a common condition that women will have to go through, but by readying your body early and having a healthy lifestyle you can easily lessen the impact of this condition significantly.

Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?

Feng Shui – An Alternative Treatment for Insomnia?

Is it possible for Feng Shui to actually help treating your insomnia? What is Feng Shui? Well, if you live under a rock let me enlighten you about this practice. Feng Shui centers on developing a well balanced flow of Chi/Ki (life force) within your home by rearranging furniture. Practitioners believe that Feng Shui can help elevate your luck and even help residents stay healthy. It has been a very popular practice around the world and now it has also found its niche when it comes to being an alternative remedy for insomnia.

A good night’s sleep is necessary as it can recharge your body and mind for the next day. Insomnia obstructs what should be a relaxing rest and warps it into a tiring and mind numbing experience that will leave you drained. If you or someone you know is suffering from insomnia then you might want to try Feng Shui. It is free and easy to do, so what have you got to lose?

Here is a list of tips that might help you treat your insomnia by using Feng Shui:

  1. Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?One of the most popular practices done by those who perform Feng Shui in their abode is to ensure that your bed is not positioned directly at the door with your head or feet pointing outside your room. This is a big no-no in Feng Shui as it is believed that this might drain your energy while asleep.
  2. Another tip when it comes to helping treat insomnia with Feng Shui is by avoiding sleeping under your window. In Feng Shui, sleeping under a window can cause your energy to get drained while you sleep. In the instance that you cannot work around this issue, an alternative is to hang a curtain on the window.
  3. It is also advisable that your bedroom should not have any images/pictures that show water. A picture of a lake or ocean in your bedroom for example is said to cause bad luck.
  4. It is also recommended by Feng Shui experts that you remove any sharp objects inside your bedroom. Alternatively, you can cover furniture that has pointy edges with a piece of cloth or placing a pot of flora to cover of the said object or furniture to help block the negative energy.

Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?You basically have nothing to lose by trying out this simple Feng Shui tips. However, if you go in already thinking negatively about this practice then it is most likely that it will not work. It is vital to have a positive mindset to relieve stress. Maybe that is the key ingredient in Feng Shui, by organizing objects and furniture within your home you will inadvertently help calm your nerves and help you relax.

Why not tryout these tips for a moment and determine how it works out? Sometimes, having difficulty sleeping is caused by stress and by relieving yourself of these negative thoughts, you can help yourself relax better. That is what Feng Shui is all about, letting positive energy come in to your life and driving negative energy out.

Different Types of Insomnia

Insomnia Cure Guide: Insomnia Types

Insomnia is a condition that cannot be simply diagnosed by the lack or difficulty of sleeping only. This condition is more complex than that and can be caused by several reasons and will affect each individual differently. In fact, insomnia is separated by a number of types and all of which have different causes and effects.

  • Different Types of InsomniaSleep Onset Insomnia – This is caused by a person’s inability to sleep. Reasons for this type of insomnia could be physical or mental. Sometimes the mind has difficulty trying to relax due to stress, this unable the person to sleep as their thoughts will be plagued by distress. Another reason revolves around the body’s internal clock which is disrupted with its day and night cycle. This is most commonly found in adolescents to young adults as their hormones start to change.
  • Sleep Maintenance Insomnia – This is classified as having difficulty maintaining sleep for long durations. This form of insomnia is common with the elderly, probably due to the decreased melatonin production of the brain. People who suffer from this form of insomnia can fall asleep without problem but will most likely find themselves awake in a matter of hours. This causes some very unsatisfactory sleep as the body is never able to truly recharge its energy.
  • Early Awakening – This is a more serious type of insomnia. People with this type will mostly likely have no trouble sleeping but will always find themselves at a state of restlessness during the early mornings. This is a type that is most common with people who are also experiencing depression.

Kinds of Insomnia

The sleep disorder known as insomnia is not an ailment but is a condition that is defined by several symptoms all revolving around the lack or difficulty of sleeping. Insomnia can be caused by several factors and listed below are some forms of insomnia that is quite common worldwide.Different Types of Insomnia

  • Transient Insomnia – is widespread type of insomnia and is experienced by almost 60% of adults during certain points of their lives. This insomnia is seen as difficulty of sleeping that can last up to a week and will mostly likely disappear afterwards. This can be caused by stress, jet lag and other factors. It can be treated using short term sleeping medications, natural remedies and relaxation methods. What is important for those who are suffering from Transient Insomnia is to ensure that it will not develop into a more serious type by changing some habits that may have caused this in the first place.
  • Short Term Insomnia – This type of insomnia commonly last between 1 to 3 weeks. This type is most commonly caused by stress with treatments focusing on lifestyle changes and eating habits. It is important to pinpoint the cause of short term insomnia and make the proper adjustments to help treat this condition.
  • Chronic Insomnia – A severe form of insomnia is the Chronic Insomnia. This is categorized by a person’s inability to sleep that can last up to 3 weeks or more. Those who suffer from this type of insomnia is advised to consult doctors as it can cause a domino effect that will cascade into more serious health problems. Drugs are often used to help stave off insomnia temporarily but it can cause side effects and might be habit forming as well. Because of this, doctors recommend using all natural home remedies instead like adjusting lifestyle/bed Different Types of Insomniatime habits and relaxation techniques and using drugs only when absolutely necessary.
  • Mental Illness Insomnia – This type of insomnia is a long lasting condition that is usually caused by mental illnesses. Mental illness or conditions that are usually connected to this type of insomnia are manic depressive disorder and schizophrenia. This is treated with the help of a doctors as it involves the use of various types of medications.
  • Fatal Familial Insomnia – One of the most dangerous types of insomnia is fortunately quite rare. This is actually a genetic condition passed down and is caused by a malformed protein in the genes. There is a 50-50 chance of passing this down to the child if one of the parents has this condition.

Symptoms will usually start appearing at around the age of 50 and can be fatal when left uncheck. This type will slowly cause the individual inability to sleep to the point that it will be impossible for them to actually have one. This is a fatal type of insomnia that is affecting at least 28 families worldwide.

These are the 5 common types of insomnia. This is a condition that must not be taken likely as it can cause even more health problems when left unchecked.

Does Melatonin Really Treat Insomnia?

Is Melatonin the Key to Treat Insomnia?

Most people will have a bout of sleep trouble every now and again. But the same could not be said to several people who have difficulty sleeping or sleeping for any amount of time every night. These people have a condition called insomnia wherein they are unable to get the right amount or any sleep at all. It is estimated that 60 million citizens of the U.S. has some trouble sleeping.

Sleep aid medications are readily available to the public to help them get some well deserved sleep but these solutions are mostly short term and others will even include some unwanted side effects. Fortunately, there might be another option that is just as effective if not safer to use.

Using Sleeping Medications and their Side EffectsDoes Melatonin Really Treat Insomnia?

Sleeping pills are usually prescribed by doctors mainly for those suffering from short term sleeping troubles. Doctors will prescribe drugs with benzodiazepines and while this can actually help an individual get some shut eye it is not a permanent treatment for insomnia. There are easily acquirable medications available but these are also not the answer to insomnia. These over the counter sleep aids can and will not be as effective within a couple of weeks as the body builds up immunity from the drug. Another issue with over the counter sleeping pills is that they can be habit forming and stopping the use of the medication can cause some kind of withdrawal syndrome which will make their insomnia worse.

Melatonin Supplement as an Alternative Treatment for Insomnia

First of all, what is melatonin? Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone within the brain, more specifically in the pineal gland. Researchers are still pretty much in the dark when it comes to any information about this hormone but they have connected it with sleep.

Studies have shown that during day time melatonin levels in the brain are quite low compared to night time. They have deduced that melatonin levels are connected to our sleep and wake cycle. This is why most doctors believe that melatonin supplements are safe and can help treat insomnia naturally.

Does Melatonin Really Treat Insomnia?While Melatonin is considered relatively safe, there are still some health precautions that should be kept in mind before trying out any melatonin supplement products.

  • Pregnant women, children and people under some form of medication or at a high enough blood pressure level should refrain from using melatonin supplements.
  • Melatonin may cause some negative side effects for people who have depression, seizures and diabetes to the point where it might worsen these already present conditions.
  • It is imperative that individuals do not take melatonin with an exceptional dose of sleeping medications as it can be fatal.

Melatonin might also have some unwanted reaction with following medications:

  • Medicines that can slow blood clotting.
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Immunisuppresants
  • Birth Control Pills

How effective is a Melatonin Supplement to Cure Insomnia?

Does Melatonin Really Treat Insomnia?In terms of its actual effectiveness in combating insomnia, melatonin currently has a couple of tests and researches that helps back up its claims. These tests that were conducted in 2005, while small in scale and not as conclusive, showed that individuals who took melatonin were able to sleep 4 minutes faster than normal and have increased their sleep quality and duration by 3%. At the moment, melatonin supplements will have a bigger impact for the elderly. Melatonin productivity decreases as a person ages and is the cause for many sleep disorders in the elderly. By giving them the right amount of melatonin supplements daily, researcher believes that those suffering from sleep disorders due to old age will be able to sleep better at night.

Melatonin Supplement Conclusion

Melatonin is derived from natural hormones that our brain produces and as such, is believed to be non-habit forming. It appears to be effective based on the short term tests that was conducted but long term benefits are yet to be seen but is promising to say the least. Dosage of melatonin varies from person to person but it is recommended that it is started at 0.3 milligrams. For now, melatonin is showing great promise as an all natural remedy for insomnia.