What Is Sleep Hygiene?

What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to our lifestyle practices and general behavior that determines the quality of our sleep. The term sleep hygiene may sound a bit odd to you, believe me it initially raised my eyebrows too, but since “hygiene” really entails a summation of the activities we subscribe to in a bid to preserve our health then the idea is not too far fetched. So what then is your sleep hygiene? What are some of the the things that you routinely do before going to bed? Do you have specific times when you wake up or go to bed? These are important factors that can determine whether you snooze in bliss or you stay wide awake in the wee hours of the morning. You are probably thinking, well I have never really thought of that before, I simply go to bed whenever I feel sleepy.
What then constitutes good sleep hygiene?

  • What Is Sleep Hygiene?Establishing a set time for bedtime and when you get up seven days a week.
  • Never sleep during the day if you are struggling with sleeplessness.
  • Have a consistent exercise regime.
  • Be sure to do your exercises at least five to six hours before you retire (preferably early mornings).
  • Eat light meals before bed and do not consume snacks at nights.
  • Eliminate caffeine, sodas and dark chocolate from your diet.
  • Reserve your bed for sleeping and avoid mentally stimulating activities once there.
  • Your bedroom should be conducive to sleep.
  • Get enough sunlight
  • Ensure that you are in a good frame of mind before climbing into bed.
  • Make note of your lifestyle and sleep pattern in your sleep diary so that you can determine what is affecting your sleep pattern.

You will be more likely to witness changes if you implement all of the following but be mindful that this a gradual process and you will see changes over time.

The Drawbacks of Sleep Hygiene

What Is Sleep Hygiene?One of the problems with sleep hygiene is that it gives you a list of things to do but it does not really systematically take you through the process of getting them done. For example it recommends that you achieve a good frame of mind before climbing under the covers but it falls short of telling you how to achieve that.

Secondly, behavior really speaks to a collection of habits that you would have cultivated over time and so it may require a significant amount of time to change how you do things. Most people will not follow through if they see no tangible improvements within weeks. Lastly, you can implement all of the measures and still suffer from insomnia because the causes can be quite diverse. Your insomnia could be as a result of sleep anxiety,over stimulation of the nervous system, habitual worrying or a range of other things.

Therefore adherence to sleep hygiene may not be a comprehensive solution for insomnia but it is a good place to begin and you will beat it if you always remain positive because insomnia can be cured and that gives a ray of hope.

Medicinal Cannabis For Insomnia

Medicinal Cannabis For Insomnia

Cannabis is fast becoming an effective medical alternative for people suffering from insomnia. Insomnia refers to the inability to sleep or sleep peacefully for extended periods. It is quite commonplace for adults to suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives. In fact, according to a recent study about 30%–50% of Americans have suffered from some kind of sleeplessness while another 10% have experienced chronic insomnia (these people struggle with sleeplessness for the duration of three weeks or more.)

Medicinal Cannabis For InsomniaInsomnia can affect just about anyone, but women are more prone to struggle with this condition than their counterparts. Stress is one of the major underlying causes of what is considered temporary sleeplessness and if this is left untreated then it can become severe insomnia. Severe  insomnia usually comes about after an individual experiences some type of illness or medical condition. Some of which may include chronic pain, severe tiredness , stomach problems, serious mental conditions  and depression. In order to treat insomnia one has to find the underlying cause but it does not normally require medical treatment because alternative  regimes have been shown to be effective.  One alternative is type of therapy that generally includes implementing methods to improve the circadian rhythm, (sleep pattern) relaxation techniques and dietary and environmental changes.

Sometimes medical personnel prescribe drugs for insomnia but unfortunately sometimes conventional medications have adverse effects. There have been cases of individuals who have grown addicted to their medication and in extreme cases, others have died from using more than the prescribed  dosage because these drugs are not recommended for extended use.

Medicinal Cannabis For InsomniaIn light of this, medical cannabis has been hailed a viable alternative in the treatment of insomnia. Interestingly,many patients have confirmed that medical cannabis is more effective than prescription drugs, it is not addictive and no report of any deaths as a result of its  prolonged use has been reported so far. This is really worth considering if you are suffering from insomnia because it comes with the possibility of relief without an exhaustive list of side effects and that in this day and age is really soothing music to the ears.

However there are certain things to bear in mind, if you are intent on using medical cannabis. Cannabis Indica is generally known to induce sleep, while Cannabis Sativa is likely to give individuals a burst of energy (there are persons who have found both to be effective in treating insomnia.)  These testimonials have been corroborated by scientific evidence and one study has shown that medical cannabis contains more than one hundred molecules including CBD and THC which have sleep inducing components.

There are two ways in which you may use medical cannabis; firstly, you may choose to inhale it (this process provides immediate relief that may last for at least 4 hours) or you may opt to ingest it and wait for it to work within an hour after use (this usually lasts for approximately 8 or more hours.) You really should consider it since medical cannabis could be the missing link in your quest for a full night’s rest.

Can Iron Deficiency Cause Insomnia?

Can Iron Deficiency Cause Insomnia?

It is widely known that iron deficiency can lead to anemia.  Incredibly, it is actually a major cause of anemia worldwide. However, quite interestingly there is evidence of a new type of condition that is caused by a lack of iron but  it does not appear to cause anemia and instead can be linked to increased tiredness, skin problems, sleeplessness and depression. Startling isn’t it?

What exactly is this condition and why is it linked to depression and insomnia?

Can Iron Deficiency Cause Insomnia?The following is based on information garnered from case studies done in Japan. In case study A, a patient was diagnosed with depression and the doctor administered a particular kind of medication. After a one year period, the patient’s condition improved significantly.Similarly, in case study B, a patient exhibited symptoms of insomnia and was given the same type of medication and over time her condition also improved dramatically.

What was the common variable on both cases?

Well, both were found to have had “ferritin deficiency.” Ferritin is extremely important and it is stored  in the spleen, liver and intestines.  Quite interestingly, both saw major improvements in their condition after simply taking iron. So if you have found yourself to be constantly tired, suffering from depression and struggling with insomnia and skin irritations then it could very well be that you are lacking in ferritin.

The Role That Ferritin Plays

Iron enables cell growth and when we eat food that contains iron, it is stored as ferritin proteins. Whenever the body signals a need for iron, then this stored iron (ferritin) is released. Therefore, any reduction in ferritin production will invariably result in reduced iron levels and this can negatively affect the body in the following ways:

  • The skin may become rough or patchy.
  • It will affect your immune system because there will be a decrease in immune cells which protect your body from diseases and various infections.
  • Vital chemical substances such as dopamine and serotonin ( the happy and sleep inducing hormones) will also be reduced.Can Iron Deficiency Cause Insomnia?

Ferritin Deficiency but No Evidence of Anemia

This is rather shocking, but neither of the two tested positive for anemia. This is both staggering and enlightening since a good hemoglobin reading does not preclude the fact that you might be anemic. As a matter of fact a below level hemoglobin reading is only usually reflected in severe case of anemia.

Therefore the best possible way to determine whether or you are deficient in Iron is by way  taking a specific blood test  to determine how much ferritin your body is producing.

How to Determine if You Suffer From Ferritin Deficiency in two simple steps

1. If you lower eyelid is white instead of reddish pink then you may be deficient in ferritin.
2. If you are constantly tired, easily annoyed and suffering from persistent depression.

Vitamin C increases Iron Absorption

To safeguard yourself against ferritin deficiency, ensure that you’re getting enough iron and be sure to add Vitamin C so that iron  will be more easily absorbed.

Treating Insomnia With Black Cohosh

Treating Insomnia With Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is the name of a dietary supplement that is derived from a natural herb that was originally cultivated in North America. Black Cohosh can be found  in Remifemin, a product that treats menopause. Black Cohosh has a long history and was initially used by Native Americans to treat a long list of illnesses and an exhaustive list of complications. Some of which include kidney problems, common colds and associated symptoms, constipation and lactation. Some modern day herbalists recommend it for conditions affecting the lungs, nervous and reproductive systems.


Treating Insomnia With Black CohoshInsomnia refers to the inability to sleep or sleep peacefully for extended periods. Medically, insomnia is defined as disturbances in the brain  as detected by an EEG. Since insomnia (especially chronic insomnia) is usually inextricably linked to either some kind of illness or psychiatric disorder. Insomnia can really be debilitating and is capable of negatively affecting almost every area of life.

Using Black Cohosh to Treat Sleeplessness

Black Cohosh is becoming a widespread alternative to conventional medicine in the treatment menopause and the many symptoms that come along with it, it is now being used for migraine and of course insomnia that is caused by menopause. It is interesting to witness the paradigm shift that is now taking place in the medical fraternity as the Western World appears to be more receptive towards alternative medicine.

Black Cohosh however, is especially effective in treating the symptoms brought about  by the cessation of the menstrual cycle. It has been proven to relieve hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, hormonal induced mood swings and anxiety. The interesting thing to note is that while Black cohosh is soothing and does have an impact on the mind; so far however, it has only been shown to improve or relieve insomnia that is associated with menopause. In other words this will only improve your symptoms if it has been determined that menopause is the main factor responsible for you sleeplessness.

Treating Insomnia With Black CohoshNevertheless, this is good news for women globally since menopause can in some cases have a debilitating effect on women the world over. Menopause by itself is already terrible and menopause coupled with insomnia is beyond devastating, but luckily Black Cohosh provides effective and non habit forming relief and that is something to cheer about. So get rid of your menopausal today and sleep like you have never done in ages. Got it?


While herbal supplements have been known to effectively treat sleeplessness that is triggered by menopause. It is best to speak with your physician before attempting to use this product in order to eliminate the possibility of having it interact with other drugs. Taking Black Cohosh in high doses may result in cramps, lose bowels, migraine, muscle aches, indigestion, stomach upset, an increase in body weight and fluctuations in the heart rate and women who have been diagnosed with  breast cancer are advised not to take it. However if given the green light Black Cohosh is likely to rid you of that habit forming and destructive insomnia and that by all means is a major plus.

Exercise and Insomnia

Exercise and Insomnia

A study shows that a simple increase in body temperature before bed time helps you to have good quality sleep. Doing light exercises after midday or around sunset will work wonders for your body as it will divert attention from the rigors of the day. It is particularly recommended for those who have jobs that require long periods of sitting. Quite a significant number of us have jobs that keep us inactive and it is not uncommon for us to list reading, internet surfing or video games as our hobbies and this is why we must consciously make an effort to exercise.

Exercise and InsomniaWe have seen a shift from doing things that would drive our heart rates up to an overall sedentary and semi sedentary lifestyle. In fact, over the past few years we have witnessed a shift from doing high energy activities outdoors to low level activities, that require us to be solitary and while there is a drive to promote exercise it is often viewed as a chore and in some cases quite justifiably so, because many of the exercise regimes today are brutal, rigorous and unbelievably intense. However, this does not have to be the case and here is an alternative:

Try doing a quick walk (between 20-30 minutes) as soon as you get home from work. However if that is not feasible given the schedule you have, then consider an early morning 15-20 minutes walk and another 15-20 minutes in the evening. The most important thing is that you remain consistent. Never ever give up!

Begin Slowly

Do not rush into doing intensive workouts and do not set unrealistic goals as that will only serve to frustrate you and set you back. Instead you may even choose to walk within the confines of your home and exercise machines can be also used.

Exercise and InsomniaDo Not Engage in High Intensity Workouts

If you are not a trained athlete then you should stay away from vigorous and difficult routines. You do not need to be Herculean in lifting weights ( it is not necessary.) Besides if you suffer from insomnia chances are after all those sleepless nights you will not have the energy. On the other hand, if you already have a consistent exercise regime and insomnia is still an issue, then you should change the times that you do the routines and reduce the length of time spent doing them.

Avoid Competitive Sports

Do not get involved in any high level competition if you are still struggling with sleeplessness. It will only serve to mentally spur you on and that is the last thing you need. You do not need to be anymore alert than you already are and if it is chronic then what you really need is relaxation, so do not feed it the opposite. Insomnia can be conquered if you are practical, consistent and make conscious decisions that will benefit you. After all sleep shouldn’t be a rarity it should be a common occurrence.

Pre-Sleep Routine to Fight Insomnia

Pre-Sleep Routine to Fight Insomnia

Do you suffer from the type of Insomnia that comes about as a result of subscribing to an irregular sleep schedule?

This type of sleeplessness is called conditioned insomnia because the brain allows us to form habits if we consistently do something over time even if we are not conscious of it. Whatever we repeatedly do overtime becomes so deeply engraved in our brains that we simply repeat the activities without so much as giving it a second thought.  So if you have conditioned insomnia  you will have to rewire your brain.

Do you dread bedtime?Pre-Sleep Routine to Fight Insomnia

If conditioned insomnia is an issue for you then you would have made a habit of sending negative messages about sleep to your brain. It is likely that you do a bit of negative self talk upon approaching your bed and you may often believe that you will not have a restful sleep and you dread the fatigue that is likely to affect you . This is known as “negative associations.”

Can you change this?

This can definitely be changed and that negative pre -bedtime ritual can be transformed into something more positive and conducive to sleep.

Negative Meets Positive; Retraining Your Brain

Change, of course, will not be immediate but over a fourteen day period you should make a conscious effort to think positive and uplifting thoughts. Avoid that negative monologue and do something soothing and relaxing about 30-45 minutes before bedtime. Find something that will relax you and avoid anything that could possibly spoil your mood.It is best to do that or a similar activity at around the same time every night but do not make it into an obsession. It can include simple tasks as washing the dishes, soaking in a bathtub or singing a soothing lullaby. It will be better if you were to establish a routine involving soothing music, rain sounds, therapeutic oils or just about anything of this kind to help you sleep. It doesn’t really matter what activity you choose, what matters is how routinely you do it. So do keep at it .

Things You Can Try:Pre-Sleep Routine to Fight Insomnia

Listening to soothing song

Listening to white noise

Enjoy soaking in a bathtub

A massage will work wonders and you may also choose to give one.

Try reading something positive (not too intense)

Try scented candles and therapeutic oils and fragrances

Try meditation

Do breathing exercises

Unwind and relax

Try visualization techniques

Here are a few relaxation tips:

Lie on your bed. Place a small pillow under your legs to relax your lower body

Hold your breath on the count of six and place your hand beneath your diaphragm to feel it expand

Hold your breath for four counts

Exhale ( either softly or loudly depending on what you prefer) and allow your body to completely relax.

Do this for at least 3-4 times

Conditioned insomnia is a matter of negative reinforcements and if you can flip the switch to positive in your brain then you will be well on your way to sleeping through the night and that of course is a wholesome thought!

Herbal Insomnia Treatment

Herbal Insomnia Treatment

Insomnia is a disorder that currently affects millions of people worldwide. It is defined by a person’s inability to sleep or maintain a full night’s sleep. We need at least 8 hours of sleep and insomnia hinders our body’s need to rest which leaves us drained both physically and mentally. There are several remedies available for those who are having some form of sleep disorder. Natural herbal remedies are also available to help ease our mind to rest. Below are some of the most well-known herbal remedies for insomnia.

Kava-KavaHerbal Insomnia Treatment

This herbal remedy that is primarily used in treating anxiety has since been discovered to have some benefits to people suffering from insomnia as well. Studies conducted in 2005 showed that people who took at least 300mg of Kava-Kava experienced better quality sleep.

Kava-Kava extract supplements are ideally taken an hour or so before bedtime. It is also important to note that this drug should not be taken by people who are planning to drive or operate machinery as it can cause drowsiness. People who have liver problems should also refrain from taking this medication as it can cause adverse side effects.


This is probably one of the most popular herbal remedy when it comes to treating stress and calming the body. This is a widely used herbal remedy for treating insomnia for its relaxing capabilities. Drinking chamomile tea before bedtime is proven to help individuals get a more comfortable sleep. In order to make an all natural chamomile tea you must take one teaspoon of dried chamomile leaves and put them inside one cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, add some sweeteners like honey if you wish for added flavor. Chamomile tea bags are also available in stores so be sure to take advantage of this natural remedy for your sleeping disorder.


Herbal Insomnia TreatmentValerian is a type of herb that is well-known for its ability to aid people with insomnia sleep faster and longer. Valerian extracts are often used before bedtime and has been proven to increase sleep quality of the people who ingest it. While further studies are still needed to determine its overall effectiveness in helping treat insomnia, current data shows promising results. Recommended dosage of this herbal medicine is at 200 to 400mg 30 minutes before sleep.


This herb is believed to have mild sedative properties which will undoubtedly benefit people who are suffering from sleep disorders. This herb is a native in Indonesia and has been used in that region as an herbal remedy for centuries. One capsule 5 hours before bedtime is the recommended dosage and it is actually advisable that you grind fresh nutmeg for best results as the dried variety is not as effective. You can mix freshly grounded nutmeg to your juice of choice for flavoring.

Insomnia is a stressful disorder that should not be taken lightly. Lack of sleep can lead to several other health ailments and must be treated as soon as possible. These herbal remedies are known to help but it is important that you first consult your doctor before trying any sort of medication whether it is natural or not.

Adrenal Fatigue And Insomnia

Adrenal Fatigue – A Common and Curable Source of Insomnia

Due to today’s fast paced lifestyle and busy schedules, more and more people are developing some form of sleeping disorder. While there are over the counter medications readily available for those who are suffering some insomnia taking these drugs may cause some negative side effects.

Dangers of Dependency to Sleeping Medications

Adrenal Fatigue And InsomniaIt is important for people to understand that these sleeping pills are merely short term solutions and it will require something drastic to truly cure insomnia. Sleeping medications are prone to side effects and constant use will make the individual heavily dependent on the drug, in short, sleeping pills are habit forming. There is also the fact that the body will eventually gain some form of immunity from the drug making it ineffective in the long run. In order to treat insomnia it is vital to first know what the cause of the sleep disorder is. By finding out the root of the problem we would be able to develop a fool-proof plan to treat insomnia. Based on cases of insomnia there is an underlying connection between the sleep disorder and blood sugar imbalances, specifically the body’s adrenal function.

Adrenal hyper function will cause an individual difficulty in sleeping due to the higher cortisol production. Cortisol helps in triggering adrenaline and while that is helpful on certain occasions it is dangerous when produced often and at a high rate.

Insomnia Caused by Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue on the other hand means that you can still pretty much fall asleep but staying asleep for the recommended duration to recharge the body is a different story. This can cause the body to have difficulty maintaining sleep. If left unchecked, adrenal fatigue will lead down to insomnia.

Adrenal Fatigue And InsomniaOur body needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep to fully recharge. During this period cortisol helps keep the body’s blood sugar at a balanced rate as you sleep. The problem is if the body fails to produce cortisol the body will shift to another hormone called epinephrine which will jump start your body leaving you wide awake in the middle of the night.

This can be a huge problem as these sorts of conditions usually occur quite often. Simply put, your body will actively prevent you from going to sleep during a certain point at night or early morning which in turn leaves you drowsy throughout the day. Adrenal fatigue can drive your sleep pattern into disarray which will mostly develop into a type of insomnia in the long run.

A Proper Mind Set is Needed to Treat Insomnia

As stated earlier, there are several factors that should be looked at in order to help determine the appropriate response to sleep disorder. There is no single magic cure all for insomnia, in order to treat this condition we must have a comprehensive strategy for our lifestyle, eating habits as well as a positive outlook in life.

In conclusion, if you consult a doctor regarding your insomnia and they immediately prescribed you with sleeping medications it is recommended you take a second opinion. For insomnia caused by adrenal fatigue, simply throwing in supplements or medication at it will not work. Every aspect of your sleeping disorder must be looked at and specific questions about your daily lifestyle must be scrutinized. The first step in stopping insomnia is asking the right questions so that you will get the right answers.

Menopause and Insomnia

A Connection between Menopause and Insomnia

One of the most common side effects encountered when women reaches their menopausal stage is insomnia. This is an inevitable condition that all women will have to go through in their life. However, that is not to say that they just let it run its course and suffer a great deal of inconvenience from it. In fact, there are several methods women can do to help treat or at the very least, lessen the blow of menopause insomnia. Methods such as diet, proper medication and adjusting sleeping habits are just a few ways to help keep menopause insomnia at bay.

Menopause and InsomniaThere are several types of insomnia and it is important that you differentiate one from the other so that you will be able to apply the proper treatment and changes. Here are the key types of insomnia that a person can suffer from:

  • Transient Insomnia – These are the most common types of insomnia and have been experienced by 58% of adults worldwide. This usually only lasts about a week or so and is caused by stress or jet lag to name a few.
  • Acute Insomnia – This is defined when the condition persist for over a month.

Insomnia also has two levels:

  • Primary Level Insomnia – This can be attributed to reasons that range between physical, environmental or social.
  • Secondary Level Insomnia – This is categorized if reason for the insomnia is caused by a current health condition.

In all cases of insomnia, medication is commonly prescribed by a doctor to help treat the condition.

The body has an internal clock called circadian rhythm. This helps our body subconsciously normalize our waking and sleeping time to that of the day and night cycle. However, we can also disrupt our circadian rhythm unintentionally. Jet lag can distort our internal clock and night shift working hours can also lend to the disruption of our internal clock and cause insomnia. Stress and pain or discomfort can also lead to insomnia as well as lack of physical exercise, dehydration and taking stimulants.

Menopause and InsomniaMenopause Insomnia on the other hand is caused by hormonal changes in the woman’s body. Doctors can give you a prescription to help ease these hormonal imbalances. As women grow older their estrogen levels decrease. This in turn means a lower level of serotonin which is a hormone produced by the brain to regulate sleep. Lower production of serotonin means a less comfortable sleep. There are natural ways to help decrease the effects of menopause insomnia. One of these tried and true methods is by shifting to a healthy lifestyle. For example, by conducting a half hour exercise in the afternoon your muscle will feel more relaxed once evening comes. A simple change in your diet can also help. Avoiding caffeinated drinks, chocolates, cigarettes and sugar based meals at least 4 hours before sleep will help ready your body for a good night’s rest. Additional changes to your bedtime habit can also help push away insomnia. Try drinking a warm glass of milk or chamomile tea before going to bed. This can further help you relax your nerves. For best results, drink a glass of warm milk alongside a small amount of carbohydrates.

When push comes to shove and simple lifestyle changes just don’t cut it, doctors can prescribe you with medications to help you sleep. Whatever option you choose to help treat menopause insomnia, it is essential that you follow your doctor’s instruction to the letter. Menopause insomnia is a common condition that women will have to go through, but by readying your body early and having a healthy lifestyle you can easily lessen the impact of this condition significantly.

Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?

Feng Shui – An Alternative Treatment for Insomnia?

Is it possible for Feng Shui to actually help treating your insomnia? What is Feng Shui? Well, if you live under a rock let me enlighten you about this practice. Feng Shui centers on developing a well balanced flow of Chi/Ki (life force) within your home by rearranging furniture. Practitioners believe that Feng Shui can help elevate your luck and even help residents stay healthy. It has been a very popular practice around the world and now it has also found its niche when it comes to being an alternative remedy for insomnia.

A good night’s sleep is necessary as it can recharge your body and mind for the next day. Insomnia obstructs what should be a relaxing rest and warps it into a tiring and mind numbing experience that will leave you drained. If you or someone you know is suffering from insomnia then you might want to try Feng Shui. It is free and easy to do, so what have you got to lose?

Here is a list of tips that might help you treat your insomnia by using Feng Shui:

  1. Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?One of the most popular practices done by those who perform Feng Shui in their abode is to ensure that your bed is not positioned directly at the door with your head or feet pointing outside your room. This is a big no-no in Feng Shui as it is believed that this might drain your energy while asleep.
  2. Another tip when it comes to helping treat insomnia with Feng Shui is by avoiding sleeping under your window. In Feng Shui, sleeping under a window can cause your energy to get drained while you sleep. In the instance that you cannot work around this issue, an alternative is to hang a curtain on the window.
  3. It is also advisable that your bedroom should not have any images/pictures that show water. A picture of a lake or ocean in your bedroom for example is said to cause bad luck.
  4. It is also recommended by Feng Shui experts that you remove any sharp objects inside your bedroom. Alternatively, you can cover furniture that has pointy edges with a piece of cloth or placing a pot of flora to cover of the said object or furniture to help block the negative energy.

Can Feng Shui Cure Your Insomnia?You basically have nothing to lose by trying out this simple Feng Shui tips. However, if you go in already thinking negatively about this practice then it is most likely that it will not work. It is vital to have a positive mindset to relieve stress. Maybe that is the key ingredient in Feng Shui, by organizing objects and furniture within your home you will inadvertently help calm your nerves and help you relax.

Why not tryout these tips for a moment and determine how it works out? Sometimes, having difficulty sleeping is caused by stress and by relieving yourself of these negative thoughts, you can help yourself relax better. That is what Feng Shui is all about, letting positive energy come in to your life and driving negative energy out.